API Developer Portal
Programmatic access to Morgan Stanley Data and Services.
Morgan Stanley invites you to explore our catalog of APIs as the basis of new innovative solutions. The Developer Portal allows you, our institutional clients and third-party partners to leverage our APIs; Increase the speed of data access and directly integrate our services into your systems and processes.
Services Offered
Connect to a variety of API products offered by Morgan Stanley from your own platform. Explore and integrate throughout key decision points across the trade lifecycle.

Engage with your Morgan Stanley representative to begin your discussion on how our API Platform can meet your business needs.

We will invite you to our Developer Portal to enable you to browse our suite of APIs and begin writing your application.

Run your deployed applications against our Live environment and take full advantage of the power of our API platform.
Open Standards and API Security
Morgan Stanley REST APIs are built to the Open API Specification supporting tooling and code generation in all major languages. Morgan Stanley APIs aim to follow the Microsoft API Guidelines to support active dialog and a basis for structuring our APIs in an open style.
Morgan Stanley secures APIs using OAuth 2.0 and the protocol’s support for strong certificate-based exchange.
Morgan Stanley is a participant and contributor to the Fintech Open Source foundation. We welcome collaboration and discussion on API standards and security across our industry for the benefit of our clients.

Building your First Application

Contact your Morgan Stanley representative to begin your onboarding to the API Platform. This will enable you to:
Browse technical API specifications to discover how to use our APIs.
Build your application based on code samples using your Developer Portal credentials.
When you are ready to go live, reach out to your Morgan Stanley contact to complete your onboarding to the APIs you want to use.

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